On Nov 2, 2009, at 9:33 PM, Jerome Velociter wrote:
Hello all,
Following the initial discussion at
http://markmail.org/thread/kachlhm3d26g22jb I by this mail throw a
to move on and create the contrib project.
After giving it some more thoughts in a discussion with Vincent,
here is
what I propose :
1) Create a "contrib" top level project, so create :
- The "contrib.xwiki.org" wiki with the draft at
http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Drafts/Contrib-Main-WebHome as
initial content for it's Main.WebHome
I would rephrase:
"The XWiki Contrib Project provides facilities for contributed
projects that relates to XWiki products and projects. It is the
privileged (but not mandatory) infrastructure for projects contributed
code.xwiki.org : modules, macros, plugins, and so"
"The XWiki Contrib Project provides hosting for projects related to
XWiki. These projects are not part of the official XWiki distributions
and are not maintained by the XWiki development team."
"A JIRA project for tracking bugs and feature requests, at
and under the "XWiki Contributed projects" category"
"A JIRA project for tracking bugs and feature requests, at
and under the "XWiki Contributed projects" category. Note that there
will be a generic JIRA project to be used by all projects till they
achieve a first release or till they grow to a size significant enough
to warrant a dedicated JIRA project"
"Project pages on
code.xwiki.org to describe and document the project."
One issue is that
code.xwiki.org is about finished and usable stuff
IMO. So a first version should have been released before a page is put
there IMO. In the meantime projects could use
Actually I'd prefer that all contrib projects use
(possibly using the classes from
code.xwiki.org) and that they are
aggregated on
code.xwiki.org. In the same manner (to be symmetric) I'd
prefer that content on
code.xwiki.org that belongs to the platform be
moved to
platform.xwiki.org and be aggregated on
"Simply send us an email at devs AT
xwiki.org with the name and a
description of your project (pointing us to its page on
in the event it is already contributed here) and let us know which of
the listed tools you need."
I'd suggest to use "[Contrib]" in the mail's title + not create pages
code.xwiki.org (especially if they're drafts) as mentioned in the
point above.
- List this wiki in the Main.Forge page on
www.xwiki.org, and also
refactor a little this page using the content at
http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Drafts/Www-Main-Forge (The main
noticeable difference is the change of wording between "XWiki Products
and Extensions" to "XWiki [Top Level] Projects", and the fact platform
now belongs to the list).
I've slightly reworded some elements of the page (product --> project).
Also we need to move the chronopolys source code to this svn.
- Create a contrib directory at
svn.xwiki.org/svnroot/, with the
following architecture :
*people* will be a directory for "personal tests" projects (such as
http://svn.xwiki.org/svnroot/xwiki/sandbox/xdom/). The idea is
behind is
to give whoever requests it a personal space where he can experiment
with XWiki code, and that space is private (i.e. an implied rule is
people are not supposed to commit code in others projects, thus making
it different from sandbox projects). Each sub-folder of people/ will
composed of the name of the person that requests his project, for
example "jvelociter".
*projects* will hosts the actual contrib projects, that are active
(meaning that they still do make sense as projects in the XWiki
ecosystem, they are not abandoned, etc.)
*retired* will be the "place where dead project go ;(" for example
http://svn.xwiki.org/svnroot/xwiki/sandbox/xeclipse-gsoc/ since it's
replaced by the XEclipse top level project.
*sandbox* will be the new place for the current sandbox. We therefore
propose to move all sandboxed projects here (except for the retired
that will go straight to california).
2) Create a "XWiki Contribs" JIRA project with projects from
and "projects" as components. Note that we want to leave open the
possibility for big projects to have their own JIRA on our
as well. We will move existing issues that are right now correctly
componentized in the current XSANDBOX to the new project, and lose
other ones (which are a couple of old closed issues AFAIR).
These guidelines should be put on
Here is my +1
Please let me know what you think of all this. If we agree I'd like to
make the move during the week.
+1 too and I can help.
Note that this means removing the current Sandbox (i.e.
http://sandbox.xwiki.org) for those who haven't fully read :)