On 27 juin 08,
at 20:38, bd(a)bc-bd.org wrote:
So question is, how do I actually add an
attachment to a page?
as you quoted in the previous post, the contentId (which is not a
pageId) is actually ignored and is there because of the Confluence API
In order to specify the page to attach data to, you must use the
pageId field of the Attachment class.
Here is a snippet from the unit tests:
String attachmentName = String.format("test.png", random.nextInt());
byte[] data = ...
Attachment attachment = new Attachment();
attachment = rpc.addAttachment(0, attachment, data);
This will attach to page Foo.Bar a file called test.png with the
content set to data.
This does not work but gives me this error:
xmlrpclib.Fault: <Fault 0: 'Failed to invoke method addAttachment
in class
com.xpn.xwiki.xmlrpc.XWikiXmlRpcHandler: An XWiki id must be in the
As I said, addAttachment is defined as (Integer, Attachment, Byte[]), but when
passing in an integer it creates the above exception.
When using a String it bombs out with, no such message signature.