Hi devs,
Context: I had some quick discussion on this PR () and it led to discussing our current
naming rule for class property translations.
Right now our rule is:
I.e. for example:
I see at least 2 problems with this:
1) Problem 1: It’s not consistent with how we name other translations (we use lowercase
everywhere and the prefix is the module name, not the space name). For example:
gardening.wiki.selectScripts=Sélectionnez les scripts de jardinage actifs
gardening.wiki.startJob=Démarrer le jardinage
gardening.wiki.start=Jardiner !
gardening.job.success=Terminé !
gardening.job.error=Une erreur est survenue, consultez les journaux pour plus
Gardening.Code.GardeningScriptConfigurationClass_activeQueryScripts=Scripts de requête
2) Problem 2: It’s fragile as it depends on the location of the class.
BTW just realizing that we may have broken lots of translations (and still are) when we
moved code pages under the Code space… Did we check that?
FTR, the LT solves this by offering a translation prefix that can be specified by the
WDYT? Do you agree with the problems? Do you see any other problem? Do you have any
solution to propose?
Note: I’m not suggesting to change this right now but I’d like that we come to an
agreement to what we’d like to have in the future.