Jean-Vincent Drean wrote:
Hi Devs,
I'd like to introduce a new configuration property that would define
at which level users should be handled in a farm.
See the proposition about the new entry in xwiki.properties, it should
be self-explanatory:
#-# [Since 2.5M1]
#-# Define at which level users and groups should be handled in the
farm. Available modes:
#-# mixed (default):
#-# - user registration available in the main wiki and local wikis
#-# - users from the current wiki and the main wiki will be displayed
in the rights interface and user suggests
#-# - user administration is present in all the wikis
#-# local:
#-# - user registration available in the main wiki and local wikis
#-# - only users from the current wiki will be displayed in the rights
interface and user suggests
#-# - user administration is present in all the wikis
#-# global:
#-# - user registration available in the main wiki only, the register
link in local wikis will point to the main wiki
#-# - only users from the main wiki will be displayed in the rights
interface and user suggests
#-# - user administration is present in the main wiki only
More details are available here:
Has any sense for you and is it technically viable that users within a
subwiki (registered in a local subwiki) could be displayed in another
subwiki? Thus, local users in subwiki 1 can be included in groups in
subwiki 2 or to be granted rights in subwiki 2.
Use Case: in a farm, local registration is allowed for S1 and S2. This
avoid users to be "stored" in the main wiki (I've seen some reticence to
do that in some cases) and at the same time the farm store and
eventually use and manage information about those users and the
relationships they construct with their own wiki or with users of the
"related" wiki: S1 <-> S2.
Thanks for reading this message!
Ricardo Rodríguez
Life Sciences, Data Modeling and Information Management Systems