Vincent Massol wrote:
Hi Fabio,
Looks good. 2 questions:
# /spaces/{space}/pages/{page}/translations[?start=offset&number=n]
(The list of all available translations of the page {space}.{page})
# /spaces/{space}/pages/{page}/{version} (The page {space}.{page}. at
version {version})
# /spaces/{space}/pages/{page}/{lang} (The page {space}.{page} in its
{lang} translation)
# /spaces/{space}/pages/{page}/{lang}/history (The list of all the
available revision of the page {space}.{page} in it {lang}
# /spaces/{space}/pages/{page}/{lang}/{version}
This seems somewhat inconsistent with "pages", "attachments",
Why not have "versions" and "translations"? For example:
I thought that having shorter URIs would be better. But I am not
having something like
Or similar.
Note that I don't know what are the REST best
practices. I'm jut
noticing the inconsistency.
URI design is not that important (as long as the hypermedia
is fully leveraged). However having descriptive URIs and consistent
can enhance the possibility of discovering resources by guessing (i.e.
the level of "serendipity")
2) How will we support nested spaces?
Actually I didn't address the nested spaces issue.
Spaces can be nested at an arbitrary level?
Not yet but we want to support this in the future yes so better design
a REST API that will work with nested spaces (arbitrary level yes).