Hi devs.
I am implementing the Color Theme Editor for Flamingo! And this is a
Since the current color theme application is strongly linked to Colibri,
and the new application will be strongly linked to Flamingo, I propose the
1/ move xwiki-platform-colorthemes in xwiki-platform-colibri and state that
this application is only compatible with colibri-based skin.
2/ create the new application in xwiki-platform-flamingo
3/ the new color theme application will actually propose more than colors
(fonts, less code, etc...), so I propose to call it
4/ in the administration, we have a page that propose which color theme we
want to use. Since the new application will not be compatible with the old
one, I propose to add an extension point (such as what we have to configure
search suggest sources) in order to propose the themes corresponding to the
selected skin (ie: xobjects of ColorThemes.ColorThemeClass for colibri and
skins based on colibri, and xobjects of FlamingoThemeCode.ThemeClass for
5/ modify SkinAction that currenlty executes velocity code on a skin file
if the mime type is CSS or JS, to also execute velocity on files suffixed
by .less.vm, because I need it for my application. To see what it looks
like, please look at
. The alternative is to create a new action which is too much IMO.
6/ when colibri will be deprecated on removed from XE, we will do the same
for the old color theme application.