On Aug 10, 2009, at 1:00 PM, Ecaterina Valica wrote:
I'd like actually is not the actual content on top of course but
an easy way to navigate to that content (info, attachments, comments,
Right now you have an easy way to navigate to that content by using
in the action menu (links to Comments, Attachments, History,
The problem with this submenu is that it's not intuitive and not well
placed. We have many actions in it and we don't know what are
important and
what are helpfull. And here comes the discussions about redesigning
information architecture in the menu.
I agree.
Right now
we kind of have this already with the action toolbar but I
have the feeling it can be improved and it doesn't have a link to the
page info for example.
Here's a example:
If you're logged in then the Tools menu has more actions.
- One think I like is the link to view the latest change directly at
the top (in the line that says who was the last modifier).
- Another nice thing is the little icon showing the attachment and
number of attachments
FOSWiki also does it with icons and I don't feel they're standing in
the way of the content:
The bad things about the examples is that they take you to other
page to
show you that information and I don't like that. They take away the
I agree but then it's also a question of how much you have to display.
If you look at the info page for confluence you'll see it has a lot of
information in it.
And that is bad in two ways.
- I think that we display more information than they do, so they're not
better than us
- Personally, I think that their interface sucks big time. There is no
clear separation of the content. Everything is a big heap of text, all
looking the same, so it's hard to spot something in there. This shows
the true value of using margins and paddings correctly. So they are much
worse than us.
Sergiu Dumitriu