Hi Radu,
On Jul 11, 2007, at 9:20 PM, Radu Danciu wrote:
For the last week or so, the build hasn't been
working for me. I
keep getting errors around the GWT Curriki part of the build. I
thought it was something I did (I ctrl+c-ed out of the mvn install
once), so I deleted the whole trunks-users from my drive, and svn
co again. Tried mvn install then, and a new error pops up at about
the same place:
Yes, as you've seen we've done lots of reorganizations lately.
First, a stupid question: Why are you trying to build Curriki? Are
you working on that project? :)
Maybe you could try reading
Community/Building again as it has changed recently.
That said, Curriki and all projects do build fine as proved by our CI:
[INFO] Building XWiki Products - Curriki - Database
[INFO] task-segment: [install]
[INFO] [remote-resources:process]
[INFO] [xwiki-build-xar:unxar]
[INFO] [xwiki-packager:import]
constituent[0]: file:/maven2/lib/maven-embedder-2.1-SNAPSHOT-ueber.jar
constituent[1]: file:/Users/rhadoo/.m2/repository/com/xpn/xwiki/
platform/xwiki-build-xar-handlers/1.1-SNAPSHOT/xwiki- build-xar-
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
and it just freezes there, i have to force quit out of the
terminal. I've updated the settings.xml to the latest version, and
at this point I'm completely out of ideas.
Help? Please?
That's pretty obvious... As the message says, the JVM doesn't have
enough memory...
Maybe you could try the troubleshooting part of the Building document: