Thanks, Pascal,
Pascal Voitot wrote:
the option is the boolean "" to put in
the config...
sorry if I don't answer quickly but I'm quite busy and I can't answer in a
serious manner just now...
Anyway, if it can help you, I think you should read this tuto:
I think I have to read it a hundred time more :-) at least...
Even if I know a bit the class design, I'm not an
expert yet :)
But $ seems not to return Object[] but Collection[] only with
properties Name, ClassName and Number... Don't know why exactly but I will
look at it...
So something like this seems to work for me... you retrieve the doc and then
the object and then you get our Object :)
#set($query="from BaseObject obj where obj.className
#set($results=$$query, 10, 0))
#foreach ($item in $results)
#set($myObject = $xwiki.getDocument($item.Name).getObject($item.ClassName,
$myObject.get("firstname") | $myObject.get("surname") |
#end surname
I will follow this idea to see if I am able to understand how the
mechanism does work! Vincent explanation is The Server Side must be
enough. The point is to read it a number of times to incorporate new
understanding. I must recognize that the first time I read it... I
understood... nothing :-)
But, in this $query up here you included "from", is it not ", BaseObject
as obj......."?
Please, what does mean the "," before BaseObject? Thanks! I think this
is not explained in Vincent's article.
Maybe somebody could tell if there is something
Thanks for your help,
Ricardo RodrÃguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team