I'm doing some manual tests of my app, and use EM to install it first, with
an extension repository targeting my m2 local repository, my app being in
version 0.3-SNAPSHOT.
When I fix something, I reinstall a new 0.3-SNAPSHOT of the app in my maven
repository, and update the app in my xwiki instance.
One thing that would be very nice, would be to be able to force the update
of an already installed extension, even if it's in same version (ie,
0.3-SNAPSHOT), or even better to allow this update if a more recent
-SNAPSHOT artifact exists (in the artifact, or in one of its dependencies).
Currently, it's not possible as EM sees it as installed and proposes
nothing else than "uninstall" action. So, to update my app, I have to stop
my server, patch each new .jar file directly in xwiki data dir under
/extension/repository/blablabla, then restart the server. Uninstalling
before does not help as the artifacts are kept in this location anyway (and
not rechecked as long as expected version is found). Also, I don't want to
uninstall, as usually I edit UI parts directly in xwiki, so I'd eventually
prefer a merge as managed by EM.
That feature would save my day as developer/tester :)
(maybe it's my process that is poor)