I thinks Anchors are given a too important place. I would keep them in
the additional params
Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:
> Vincent Massol wrote:
>> On Oct 28, 2008, at 3:56 PM, Jean-Vincent Drean wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> The last proposal for links management in the wysiwyg editor can be
>>> found here :
>> Sounds nice. Some comments:
>> * The link menu items should be improved IMO:
>> - I would put adding an external link at the bottom since it's not
>> the most used one
>> - The labels should be improved. I don't know if "wanted page" is
>> obvious (it wasn't for me)
>> * The screenshots are missing wiki selection (for multi wiki
>> installs)
>> * I'm not sure I like the wizard like approach, i.e. having to
>> select
>> some value before selecting others. I think I would have preferred a
>> single screen but that's me only.
>> * It's missing the ability to specify any number of parameters (for
>> advanced usages)
>> Thanks
>> -Vincent
> How about this interface:
> This works a bit like the way the Mac file explorer works. By
> default,
> when creating or editing a link, the current wiki/space/document are
> selected. If the user clicks on a different wiki, space or anchor,
> the
> descending columns are cleared, and a "loading" message is displayed,
> like in:
> For links to non-existing documents ("wanted"), under spaces and
> documents a custom input box can be displayed, as in:
> The list of spaces/documents is populated on display, like the RMUI
> tables. Above the list, a "Displaying S-E out of T" message is
> displayed
> only when the list does not fit in one page.
> The anchor column can be used to link to a document section (should
> we
> display sections from the saved document, or from the edited
> document if
> the selected document is the currently edited one?), to an
> attachment,
> or to a comment. Custom ID means entering in an input box a custom
> ID,
> without any checks if such an element exists or not. Should we also
> have
> a "page section" which allows to choose between the content area,
> comments, attachments, history?
> Each column can be filtered by entering some text in the respective
> box:
> Besides the "Simple" view, there's also the advanced view, and the
> "additional params" view.
> The params view allows customizing the link, by entering target, rel,
> class and id attributes:
> For the advanced view I don't have screenshots, but it could
> contain the
> suggest input boxes for wiki, space and document name, and some way
> of
> selecting a custom action (view, edit, cancel, ssx...), a custom
> version
> from the history, a query string.
> Sorry for the raw aspect of the drawings.