On Thu, Aug 6, 2015 at 5:08 PM, Eduard Moraru <enygma2002(a)gmail.com> wrote:
On Sun, Aug 2, 2015 at 12:08 AM, vincent(a)massol.net <vincent(a)massol.net>
Hi devs,
I’d like to propose the following official future organization for our
javascript/CSS code.
Note1: When I say “javascript” below, it should be understood as js + css
(possibly less too).
Note2: I started writing this email and then I realized Marius had already
implemented it for 2 Extensions/Modules: the Platform Tree and the Platform
Job modules. I was happy to discover this since it validated the idea I had
;) Maybe Marius has already sent an email to propose all this, in which cas
I apologize for the duplication!
So here’s the idea:
* We should locate Java, REST and Javascript APIs in the Extension they
relate to. For example the Model Module should hold the current Reference
API but also the Javascript API to create, resolve and serialize references
(i.e. what’s currently in entityReference.js).
* Thus when an Extension adds or modify its Java API, it should keep in
sync the other APIs too. And these APIs should be made available to the
XWiki runtime only when those Extensions are loaded into the runtime.
* The Javascript APIs should be packaged as webjar resources inside the
JAR for the Extension (i.e. located in META-INF/resources/webjars/* in the
JAR). Note: An Extension could deliver a singe JAR or several if we wish to
separate the Java API from the Javascript API for example (this is what we
currently have for the Platform Job and Platform Tree Webjars for ex).
* The Javascript APIs should be declared using requirejs, using a
define(), as in:
define(['jquery', 'JobRunner', 'jsTree', 'tree-finder'],
JobRunner) {
Note: In order to pass simple names to the define() and handle conditional
minification, Marius has created a require-config.js in the tree webjar’s
#set ($minified = '.min')
#if ($request.minify == 'false')
#set ($minified = '')
paths: {
jsTree: "$!services.webjars.url('jstree', 'jstree.min')",
shim: {
jsTree: {
deps: ['jquery']
* The Javascript APIs should be accessed using requirejs, using a
require(), as in:
'require-config.min.js', {'evaluate': true})"], function() {
What I don`t fully understand when using some javascript code that is
presented this way is if the caller would have to use 2 nested require()
calls, like:
'require-config.min.js', {'evaluate': true})"], function() {
// At this point, require-config.min.js is executed and I can now use the
short versions that consider the minify parameter.
'file')"], function(tree) {
// Finally, I can use the js code available in the tree variable.
I`m not sure what exactly we get by doing this and if it`s worth the effort.
You either use two (nested) calls to require or you duplicate the
require config. Your choice. If you don't have additional dependencies
(so no require config) then two nested require calls can be shorter.
Note: We’ll need to better handle the minification part in this example so
that it’s optional and can be controlled by minify=true|false in the query
string, but that’s easy to do.
* Unit tests should be provided using Jasmine inside the Extension
* The requireJS deps should be kept in sync with the Maven deps.
If we agree about this then I’m proposing that we document it in the
DevGuide at
http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/DevGuide/FrontendResources (which
will need to be rewritten as it’s currently aging).
The next step would be to find a way to move all our JS code under
requirejs. I’ve been researching this but I’m far from being able to
propose a solution at this time. I’ll need to brainstorm with our JS
experts ;)
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