Le dimanche 13 septembre 2009, Caleb James DeLisle a écrit :
The fact that you are missing hibernate.cfg.xml indicates to me that
your build is incomplete.
"I choose project "XWiki Products - Enterprise - Web (war)"
I think what you are saying is you only built part of the enterprise
source. When I build enterprise, I navigate to enterprise/trunk/ on the
command line and run
mvn -Ppgsql install
I run -Ppgsql because I'm running Postgres.
if you are running Mysql, use -Pmysql
and make sure your database is running, I'm not sure about enterprise
but I know platform has to talk to the database in order to build properly.
Here is the maven command from netbeans :
NetBeans: Executing '/home/herve/java/developpement/apache-maven-2.2.0/bin/mvn
-Dnetbeans.deploy=true -Dnetbeans.execution=true --fail-fast -Phsqldb package'
NetBeans: JAVA_HOME =/home/herve/java/jdk1.6.0_14
.. I see "-Phsqldb"... it's correct I suppose ?
When you are done, you should find your completed
package in
enterprise/trunk/web/target/xwiki-enterprise-web-2.1-SNAPSHOT this is
what you copy into your webapps folder and rename something simple like
xwikiBuild. Hopefully it has hibernate.cfg.xml
Yes, but the file is empty :
$> ls -l target/xwiki-enterprise-web-2.1-SNAPSHOT/WEB-INF/hibernate.cfg.xml
-rw-rw-r-- 1 herve herve 0 2009-09-13 16:49 target/xwiki-enterprise-web-2.1-