Hello Harsha,
Harsha Halgaswatta wrote:
I have already submitted a proposal for Xwiki Photo Album Application.
As Sergiu specified in the mail "To Antivandalism project GSOC
candidates" i would like to look into the Integration of Mozilla
Bespin as a core Script editor in XWiki too. So it is better to have a
quick impression on this as we have a limited time.
Indeed Bespin provides an open standard based extensible web-based
framework for code editing , hence it is really worth integrating it
as a core Script editor in Xwiki.Currently Bespin supports syntax
highlighting for HTML, CSS, PHP, Arduino, and JavaScript. So in this
project i have to facilitate Bespin with groovy language.Correct me if
i am wrong. Velocity will benefit from HTML coloration.
Currently the skin editor only colors HTML for velocity templates. It
would be good to add a colors for velocity statements, too. Groovy
coloration is a good idea. But more important will is first to write a
syntax coloration engine for XWiki syntax 2.0
http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/XWikiSyntax). Ideally the
engine should be use other engines to color the content of some macros,
for example :
= Heading level 1 // <-- this is wiki syntax, it should have its own
== Heading level 2
{{html}} // <-- the content of this macro is colored with the html
coloration engine
// etc...
{{groovy}} // <-- content colored with the groovy engine.
def a = "foo"
About coloration, you can read this post
It is likely going to be the default highlighting engine in future
versions of Bespin.
Another idea would be to write a simple XWiki Syntax 2.0 parser in
JavaScript. This would allow very cool features like collapse/expand
macros, outline views, jump to section, etc.
I found that Skin Editor application is currently having the benefit
of Bespin editor as the script editor of XWiki's platform. So could
you please let me know in brief how this integration has happened
The integration has been done with a very early version of Bespin
(bespin 0.1.1), and it is a clearly a hack, not a clean integration. If
you want to see how it's made, you can install the skin editor on a
XWiki Enterprise instance, all the integration code is located in wiki
documents (or JS / CSS extensions objects, see
Now with more recent versions of Bespin it is a lot easier and no longer
hackish to make that integration. The bespin team has made the editor
being instanciable, see
Your proposal should demonstrate your understanding of how the
integration can happen in XWiki - both from a features point of view
(what will it offer exactly ?), and from a technical/architecture, point
of view (how is this going to be done).
For this project to be a success, the student will very likely have to
communicate with the communities (XWiki, and Bespin), it's additional
work that one should have in mind from the start of the project.
least point me out some worth readings on this as soon as possible,
this would be really helpful to me just to have a good confidence and
submit a good proposal.
Thanks in advance
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