Hello XWiki experts,
I'm having a very weird behaviour in a set of velocity files inside curriki, running
xwiki 3.5.
The view code calls startpage.vm, itself having:
which contains:
and, a few templates later, in analytics.vm, one has:
#if("$!GA_uacct" != "0" && "$!GA_uacct" !=
.... <!-- have the setting -->
.... <!-- missing -->
I know I could put the #set() statement inside analytics.vm, where it was some versions
ago. However, I'd like to understand.
What I have as behavior is that about half of the executions above show missing and the
other half doesn't have them...
- should I never expect this variable to be defined inside analytics.vm? (there would be
other settings such as the hostname that are needed and are read the same fashion)
- shouldn't this variable always be defined?
thanks for hints.