Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:
Anca Paula Luca wrote:
Marius Dumitru Florea wrote:
> B) If the caret is at the beginning of a list item then indent that item
> (or outdent with Shift). By indent I mean make it a subitem of the
> previous list item.
+1, with the condition that list items should not become out of order,
meaning that pressing tab will not create a third level item as a child
of a first level item. Current editors allow something like this to
Would the following be considered a proper indentation?
This is the HTML generated for "** x" in xwiki/2.0. I think we should do
the same in the WYSIWYG. Of course for this I'll have to overwrite the
default list and indent/outdent support which currently generates
invalid HTML for nested lists. Indent would then not only visually move
the list item to the left but down also.
> Regarding
C), it's difficult to have the same behavior. What we can do is:
> C1) Insert spaces (say 4); we would have to use non-breaking spaces of
> course.
+0. If users want to indent, they will be able to do that with spaces
(since now spaces are meaningful). Not doing this will not convince
users not to indent paragraphs; they will continue to do this using
spaces, but they will have one more grudge against XWiki. I implied that
the spaces are inserted at the cursor position, and not at the start of
the paragraph.
Yes, spaces would be inserted at the caret position.
OTOH, not doing this means that there's no way to
navigate out of the
editor without the use of the mouse. And I strongly disagree with this.
I don't like taking my hands off the keyboard. When I find something
that doesn't work without the mouse in a site, the
accessibility/usability pseudo-expert in me wakes up and gets very
angry. VERY angry.
And you propose?
and also:
C5) if the cursor is at the beginning of a paragraph it should indent the first
line in the paragraph (the CSS way), but I am pretty sure that's too much trouble.
-0.5. This requires presentation rules to be embedded in the content. I
know that many things will require the use of embedded style, but this
is not essential, thus I'd rather avoid it.
C6) Move to the start of the next block element (prev with shift).
-0, since no text editor does this (spreadsheet software does this, but
that's the same as with tables).
Other questions:
- What does GoogleDocs do?
* Tab outside a list item or table cell inserts 4 spaces at the caret
position or in place of the current selection (inside a span with no
styles applied to it; I don't understand why they use a span since if
you delete the spaces the empty span remains as HTML garbage)
* Shift+Tab moves the focus out of the rich text area to the previous
focusable element.. :|
* [Shift+]Tab inside a table cell behaves as in Open Office. The
selected text (if any) is not deleted.
* Tab at the beginning of the first _empty_ list item indents the list
using style="margin-left: 40px"; each Tab increases the left margin with
40px.. :| Shift+Tab removes the list.. :|
* Tab inside a list item no matching the previous case indents the list
item. Even in the middle of the text :|. Shift+Tab outdents. The
selection is not cleared.
* If the selection spans across more list items, but not all, then Tab
indents those list items. Shift+Tab outdents. Selection is not cleared.
* if the selection spans across all list items from a list then pressing
Tab indents that list using CSS as previously described. Shift+Tab
removes the list if the left margin is 120px.. :|
* if the selection spans across more table cells then pressing a Tab
deletes the selected text and inserts 4 spaces in the cell where the
selection started :| Shift+Tab moves the focus out of the rich text area
to the previous focusable element.. :|
- What happens when pressing tab in/on other types of
content, like
images, macros, definition lists, code (which is a kind of macro).
Each could easily have their own custom behavior. But let's decide first
for paragraphs, list items and table cells.
- What happens when a selection exists? In one para,
and cross-para?
It depends on the action taken:
* Insert: deletes the selected text and places the inserted text where
the selection started.
* Indent: keeps the selection.
* Navigate: you have to collapse the selection in order to move the caret.