On Jul 5, 2012, at 4:01 PM, Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) wrote:
For the 4.2 Roadmap there are several issues related to accessibility of
applications inside the wiki.
One of these issues is
http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-7927 "Create an
entry point for all available applications inside the wiki ".
There are multiple ways to represent such a place (panel, special
directory, gadget, etc.) but the most easy (not sure how scalable,
especially if the user will create lots of spaces using AppWithinMinutes)
is to use a panel.
The problems remaining are:
- If we have a dedicated place to list applications what will remain in the
{{Spaces}} gadget on "Dashboard"? What we still consider to be a content
space? (Main, XWiki, Sandbox)?
http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-7926 or
we should still display visible spaces in it?
* The Applications panel (btw we need to have an {{applications}} macro too) will list all
applications that I can see (if I'm not an admin I won't see the Scheduler app for
* The Spaces macro should show by default all content spaces. It should have a one liner
at the bottom explaining that it's showing only content spaces with a button/link to
display all spaces (visible ones ofc - hidden spaces are never displayed except if your
user can see hidden spaces)
* The way I propose to separate Content Spaces from Application Spaces ATM is: get list of
spaces where UIExtension of type "applicationlist" are found and exclude those
- What we consider to be an application? We list just
spaces or even
feature pages like "Document Index" or "User Directory"?
* User Directory is an application for me
* Index is an application too but we don't display it in the application list (ie it
doesn't have an UIExtension for "applicationlist") but we display it in the
top menu (i.e. it has UIExtensions for "mainmenu).
- What about 'special' spaces like Scheduler,
Stats? we let the entry point
to be just the Administration (at least for now)? What about Invitation
functionality? etc.
* Scheduler is an application listed in the application panel for admins
* Stats is an application listed in the application panel for all since it's important
to drive contributions. However I'm +0 to make it visible only to admins ATM simply
because of its poor quality
* Invitation is an application listed for everyone (it's poor quality too but a much
needed feature)
* AppWithinMinutes is an application but without an "applicationlist" extension
point and instead an "applicationlistextra" extension point (it's an
extension point at the bottom of the applications panel for extra information and that
we'll use for AWM and for the EM app)
* Extension Manager is an application listed in the application panel for admins (it needs
to be moved out of the admin page which should be reserved only for configurations)
So I've created a doodle and the question is what
space/page do you think
we should have in this dedicated "Applications" panel:
Everything is applications but not all are shown to everyone. There are some apps for
admins only.
You can use the doodle or you could respond in this
main if you have other
suggestions or observations.