Time to be structured...
Button naming is hard, especially if wanting to make a platform that is both
ergonomic for normal users and for devs. (!!!)
-- Thinking "ergonomy" does not mean the same for someone who is trying to
bypass the understanding barreer (adoption) and someone who already have the
understanding and who want the tool to be powerfull and efficient (fast and
secure editing).
-- Thinking the same world (ie publish) may not have the same meaning.
-- Etc.
So you have to make marketing before making UX... I think Emilie, Vincent,
etc... should start the personas they want on the wiki (it is already made
in fact but it only describe very large profiles that cover all type of
possible users, having more real examples and if possible some priorities
would help).
Then we have to draw user actions schemas according to each persona. Saying
what zone of the tool they generally use. For each function define how much
each persona will potentially use it.
Then each time you make a design or proposal think about it. Try to avoid
having normal users lost as much as possible and at the same time try to
make the tool as powerfull as possible for devs (keyboard shortcut only
approach can be a good one ie).
I'm sorry, to be honest I don't really like personas and others strucured
anaylsis. I consider they are good for communication or to making people who
are not used to UX enter in a UX perspective. For an UX designer it only
make things more rigid wich not help creativity. Yet... I think they are to
be used for heavy projects because if an eavy project is not
structured people who work on it get lost and all lose coherence.
I was not sure XWiki needed such heavy apparel. Yet because of collaboration
complexity and because personas are good for communication I pushed for it.
Caty just made me understand you want an ergonomy for both normal user and
devs. Which is one of the most complicated thing I know. So I think we have
to structure it.
Structuring must not avoid us thinking out the bounds. But it should be here
to help us to communicate, to help evryone to understand UX, to help to
remember the problematics evrywhere, to help to create a good coherence.
Also I repeat that we need marketing and management involved in it. UX is
not only about ergonomy but also about emotion, strategic decisions, brand,
spirit of the project, etc...
I propose a vote about this and that someone take the management of this
part (an UX designer or a manager) if XWiki SAS staff agree on that it has
to be done.
2009/9/4 Guillaume Lerouge <guillaume(a)xwiki.com>
On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 2:19 PM, Thibaut DEVERAUX <
Personally I never understand thoose different
buttons. Just amazing me.
So there the user chains are (tell me if I'm right) :
Use SAVE & VIEW only
The user is writting a message. He saves it.
Dangers :
- He may save and then see errors and come back to modify : why PREVIEW
- He may find it to long to save while writting, don't save, loose his
work. Especially on long messages. Why SAVE & VIEW exists.
Use PREVIEW then SAVE (and sometime modfy again ^_^ )
- Formated textes
- User than can't correct a text in edit mode (I do and some friends
- Long textes
- User with un unstable internet correction
- User that get a bit stressed of loosing them work (unstable internet,
clumsy, just stressed...)
Mix of the precedents
- Undo save & continus
- quitting edit mode without using a "hack" (back button, close the
Is this ok ?
Prpositions :
1 - Simplicity
SAVE - nothing else
2 - Simplicity, keeping history a bit clean
3 - Full featured
We actually had a remark from a customer not so long ago who asked us to
rename "Save & View" into "Publish" on their wiki.
It might be a good thing to rename it for the main wiki too as it sounds a
bit clearer and explains well what the result of the action will be (the
document will get published).
As for the "save & continue" button I know I often end up using it as I
would use an autosave. I'm not sure about others but it seems to me that
default use is to ensure that no content get lost. Maybe we could make the
"save & continue" button create minor edit and rename it to "save
draft" or
simply "save"...
"Save" would meand keep my work secure while "Publish" would mean
"I'm done
with my work, put it online" . The drawback being that the content gets
published even when clcking "save & continue" / "save" /
"save draft" ...
We could also make the preview also be a minor edit save action so that
time the user previews the page his progress is saved but that kills the
"preview" part...
(ordered by usage chronology)
4 - Draft system
<small>SAVE DRAFT --- PREVIEW DRAFT</small>
<small> Cancel modifications </small>
When I'm not making a huge contribution I prefer 2.
When I'm writting long messages I apprecy the "SAVE & VIEW logic.
When I'm reading mysefl I apprecy the "PREVIEW" logic.
I'm an user I want evrything.
Then I complain I'm getting lost in the interface.
The magic "advanced" menu is not really adapted here.
So I guess we can have what i call a "sicentific" ergonome approche : put
evrything and try to make it clear anyway.
Or what i would call a radical design approche : just kill
only a few users use. (we need stats **from
average users** or a good
Also maybe someone could find a way to get a simpler usage chain for the
sames user cases.
I'm for simplest things so I would say 2 (mine), yet I don't have the
experience of users, netheir the marketing infos.
So if your really think it is necessary (really ? snif...) I would say 4
(mine), wich is C (Caty).
I find the save & ... to be amazing. So I prefer the others.
What tou you think?
In the long run we'll need some kind of draft support system and a way to
automatically save page content to prevent data loss. Waiting for that day,
I'm +1 for (C) too.
2009/9/4 Ecaterina Valica <valicac(a)gmail.com>
> Hi,
> Because we want to make a standard from vertical-aligned form, this
> the buttons should be left-ordered with the
most important action
should be changed also in Toucan and Albatross skin, not only just
> Colibri.
> Right now the Edit Actions are "Cancel", "Preview",
> "Save&View".
> What do you think is the right order for them when they are
(A) Save&View, Save&Continue, Preview, Cancel (as it is - just in
> (B) Save&View, Preview, Save&Continue, Cancel
> (C) Preview, Save&Continue, Save&View, Cancel
> (D) other variation
> Remarks:
> - "Cancel" should be *last* because it's a terminal (takes you out of
> editor), no-saving action. This is the least
> - "Save & View" is also a terminal action (takes you out of the
it* first* you have the 2 terminal actions at extremities.
- "Preview" is the least damaging action in case of accidental submit
(Silvia + Marta) - should be *first*?
- Some people use ("Preview" + "Save&Continue") {many times} +
> {final}
> - Other people just use "Save&Continue" + "Save & View"
{final}, never
> "Preview", etc
> - What is the necessity for the "Preview" button in a WYSIYWG editor?
other hand "Preview" is very important if you edit in "Wiki" mode.
- Should "Preview" separate the two other SAVING actions? (Marta)
- Should "Save&Continue" separate the two other VIEW actions?
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Guillaume Lerouge
Product Manager - XWiki
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