I had some time in the train yesterday so I thought about what a new
Importer architecture would look like.
First the reason for changing the current one (which is located in
the Package plugin):
* "bad" design (everything is mixed up in one big class, not modular)
and too complex to maintain
* cannot import HTML, plain text, etc
* cannot convert from one wiki syntax to another
* A Importer interface to represent the different importers
o import(Converter converter, DocumentImportFactory factory)
o setFilter(ImportFilter filter) : to decide what document
to import
* A Converter interface to convert original content before it's
imported into a page
o OutputStream convert(InputStream originalContent)
* A DocumentImportFactory interface for delegating how pages are
created. This is important as there are different strategies for
finding out the following data from the original content:
o Language
o Target Space
o Target Page name
o Objects to attach
o Attachments
o Versions
o Author
o API:
+ XWikiDocument createDocument(String
originalFileName, InputStream contentAfterConversion)
+ setMode(REPLACE || APPEND): whether to create a
new version or replace any existing doc
Examples of implementations:
* For Importer: FileImporter, DirectoryImporter, ZIPImporter,
ZipURLImporter, JARImporter
* For Converter: PlainTextConverter, HTMLConverter,
TWikiConverter, ConfluenceConverter, XWikiXMLConverter (for
converting documents in XWiki XML format)
* For DocumentImportFactory: XARDocumentImportFactory,
ExpandedXARDocumentImportFactory, DefaultDocumentImportFactory (uses
the file name as page name and parent directory as space, etc)
Examples of using it
* A XAR file
o new ZipImporter(new File(".../.xar"), new
XWikiXMLConverter(), new XARDocumentImportFactory(new File(".../.xar")))
* A single HTML file
o new FileImporter(new File(".../.html"), new HTMLConverter
(), new DefaultDocumentImporterFactory())
* A zip file containing TWiki pages
o new ZipImporter(new File(".../.zip"), new TWikiConverter
(), new DefaultDocumentImporterFactory())
* An expanded directory of HTML files
o new DirectoryImporter(new File(".../somedir"), new
HTMLConverter(), new DefaultDocumentImporterFactory())
I've put all this on
NewImporterArchitecture but I think it's better to discuss it here as
email is better for discussions...
Note: I'm not planning to implement this yet as our first priority is
still the 1.0 release but once it's released, I'm volunteering for
implementing it, using a component strategy (cf new V2 architecture).