On Mar 28, 2011, at 3:20 PM, Andreas Hahn wrote:
Am 28.03.2011 14:14, schrieb Vincent Massol:
IMO we should also deprecate the
"cssClass" and "width" box macro parameters.
If the user wants to use a different class or width he can use:
(% class="..." style="width:..." %){{box/}}
or for standalone (before we add a shortcut in the parser, see
(% class="..." style="width:..." %)(((
my experience is that many macros behave different, when you apply a style:
(% class="..." style="width:..." %) {{somemacro/}}
As far as i remember its not always enclosed in a <div></div>
Not exactly.
Block parameters for standalone macro is not supported right now, you need to write:
(% .... %)(((
If you write
(% ... %){{macro/}}
then you're creating an inline macro.
It would be nice if all *rendering* macros behave in
the same consistent
They do.
Wouldn't it be a better solution if all rendering
macros support (at
least) a basic set of common parameters ?
e.g. 4 html core attributes (class, id, style, title):
Macro implementation should apply those parameters always to the first
html markup generated.
This would imo make it easier to apply custom styling in a consistent way.
btw, Its often a surprise to me how (% ... %) renders.
You can highlight one individual header:
(% class="highlight" %)
= my highlighted header
but you can't highlight an item in a list of items the same way:
* item
* item
(% class="highlight" %)
* not highlighted - sigh :(