Hi Mohamed Boussaa,
Sorry to poke you again and again but as I am very much new in xwiki please bear with
Let me clearly mention my requirement then you can suggest an approach to develop it :
1. On xWIKI page, user selects some text and presses some shortcut key combination.
E.g. alt+shift+N
2. This opens a popup dialog with fields as
i. Project : List of JIRA projects in a dropdown
ii. Issue summary : Empty text box where user can enter some text as an
issue summary
iii. Description : Text box pre-populated with selected text
iv. Submit button : On click of which an issue in JIRA under selected
project will be created
3. Once the issue is created, a link to the issue will be displayed on the page.
I know I am asking too much but little help from you can be of great importance to me.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks & Regards,
Abdulkadar Patel
From: Mohamed Boussaa [mailto:mohamed.boussaa@xwiki.com]
Sent: Monday, September 07, 2015 3:14 PM
To: PATEL, ABDULKADAR; XWiki Developers
Subject: Re: [xwiki-devs] xwiki jira integration
The code used to call the Jira REST web service is a server side code then you can't
excute the code in javascript.
You will need a wiki page, see here how to create a new page
Put the groovy code in that page as explained in the service documentation.
Then you can communicate with the service with javascript using Ajax requests.
On Mon, Sep 7, 2015 at 10:10 AM, PATEL, ABDULKADAR
Hi Mohamed Boussaa,
Thanks for your prompt reply.
Actually I am very new to xwiki and thus don’t know how to call even velocity code ☹
Let me tell you what I have done so far.
I have created a widget similar to gotopage widget in xwiki. This widget will load when
user will hit some shortcut key (alt+shift+N) in my case.
For this I have written javascript code in xwiki-min.js under resources/js/wiki
This code is similar to gotopage widget code with few small changes of mine.
Now where can I write the groovy code to call jira REST web service?
Below is my code to open popup :
var XWiki = (function(c) {
var a = c.widgets = c.widgets || {};
if (!c.widgets.ModalPopup) {
if (console && console.warn) {
console.warn("[JumpToJiraPage widget] Required class missing:
} else {
a.JumpToJiraPage = Class.create(a.ModalPopup, {
urlTemplate: "$xwiki.getURL('__space__.__document__',
initialize: function($super) {
var e = new Element("div");
this.input = new Element("input", {
type: "text",
id: "jmp_target",
this.submitButton = this.createButton("button",
this.cancelButton = this.createButton("button",
var d = new Element("div", {
"class": "buttons"
$super(e, {
show: {
method: this.showDialog,
view: {
method: this.openDocument,
options: {
propagate: true
edit: {
method: this.openDocument,
}, {
extraClassName: "jump-dialog",
verticalPosition: "top"
this.shortcuts.close.options = {
propagate: true
createDialog: function($super, d) {
Event.observe(this.submitButton, "click",
this.openDocument.bindAsEventListener(this, "view"));
Event.observe(this.cancelButton, "click",
this.closeDialog.bindAsEventListener(this, "edit"));
showDialog: function($super) {
this.input.value = "";
closeDialog: function($super, d) {
if (!d.type.startsWith("key") ||
!this.dialogBox.down(".ajaxsuggest")) {
openDocument: function(e, f) {
var issueSummary = this.input.value;
var createIssueData =
var url =
var xmlhttp;
if (typeof XMLHttpRequest !=
"undefined") {
//All modern browsers (IE7+,
Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera) uses XMLHttpRequest object
xmlhttp = new
else if (typeof ActiveXObject !=
"undefined") {
//Internet Explorer (IE5 and
IE6) uses an ActiveX Object
xmlhttp = new
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('Authorization','Basic abdpatel:Admin123');
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function()
if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4)
if ( xmlhttp.status == 200)
var det = eval(
"(" + xmlhttp.responseText + ")");
} else {
->" + xmlhttp.status);
alert("Error ->" + xmlhttp.responseText);
addQuickLinksEntry: function() {
$$(".panel.QuickLinks .xwikipanelcontents").each(function(e) {
var d = new Element("span", {
"class": "jmp-activator"
Event.observe(d, "click", function(f) {
function b() {
return new a.JumpToJiraPage()
}(c.domIsLoaded && b()) || document.observe("xwiki:dom:loaded",
return c
}(XWiki || {}));
Your help is very crucial for me. Thanks in advance.
Thanks & Regards,
Abdulkadar Patel
From: Mohamed Boussaa
Sent: Monday, September 07, 2015 2:32 PM
To: XWiki Developers; PATEL, ABDULKADAR
Subject: Re: [xwiki-devs] xwiki jira integration
You can call the groovy code in a wiki page like a velocity code.
For exemple you can call the groovy code in the action page of your form.
Mohamed Boussaa
On Mon, Sep 7, 2015 at 9:39 AM, PATEL, ABDULKADAR
In following article, it is nicely explained how we can integrate xwiki with jira using
But I don't understand how can I call this groovy code in xwiki.
I have created a popup dialog which will take information from user and create jira issue
on submit.
How can I call groovy code on click of submit button?
Any help will be highly appreciated.
Thanks & Regards,
[cid:image001.gif@01D0E976.C6DB06C0]Abdulkadar Patel
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