On Wednesday 03 January 2007 06:42, Dan Murphy wrote:
As per a page
http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Community/BuildingInEclipse there are a
couple of issues if one tries to build XWiki inside eclipse.
Is it of interest to get this working properly ? if so there is a
.classpath file that fixes some (trivial) problems (
ath ).
The catus ant task def has some errors (inside eclipse anyway) - seems to
be due to the interaction between cactus-ant and junit the following
warning is issued:
A class needed by class org.apache.cactus.integration.ant.CactusTask cannot
be found: junit/framework/TestListener xwiki-trunk build.xml line
You don't need to copy the junit jar file into ant/lib, although that is what
the ant cactus task documentation is recommending. But I had problems with
conflicting junit jar files in the past.
You can do menu Run > External tools > External tools, to create a
configuration for your ant build -if not already done (usually the tool does
it for you). Then go to the classpath tab and click on 'User Entries', and
then the 'Add JARs...' button on the right. You select the junit jar file
from xwiki/lib and all the rest will work without complaints.
This actually prevents the ant script from being
executed correctly - since
I don't (currently) run the targets that needs this I can get around the
problem by simply commenting out the taskdef - however I'm a bit stumped on
how to fix this properly (since the class in question should be available).
Assuming building in eclipse is desired (and that the svn repository should
contain the .classpath and other . files used by eclipse) shall I simply
open a couple of jira's for these problems ?
There is a .classpath I believe but I could not find a way to modify it to
make the ant build work. Tell me if you do ;-)