I am working on
http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XE-741 and I would
need a final list of macro and parameter names. These would be the
current namings:
Macro name:
* recentactivity
-> to be replaced with 'activity'
Parameter names:
* 'showRss' (boolean: false by default) - Whether to show activity
rss links or not.
-> to be replaced with 'rss'
* 'showMinor' (boolean: false by default): - Whether to show
modifications that create minor versions or not.
-> to be replaced with 'minor'
* 'tag' (comma separated list): - Comma separated list of tags to
display activity for.
-> to be replaced with 'tags'
* 'space' (comma separated list): - Comma separated list of spaces
to display the recent activity for.
-> to be replaced with 'spaces'
-> also remove 'recent' from the macro description
* 'space' (comma separated list): - Comma separated list of spaces
to display the recent activity for.
-> to be replaced with 'spaces'
-> also remove 'recent' from the macro description
* 'author' (comma separated list): - Comma separated list of authors
whose modifications to show.
-> to be replaced with 'authors'
* 'changesNb' (number: 30 by default): - Number of activity to show.
-> to replace the description with 'Number of pages to display the activity
-> to be replaced with 'pages' or 'entries' or some other name that
would fit better; you are welcome to add naming proposals.
-> to replace '30' with '20', now that each entry (page) contains a
number of sub-entries (activity events) and there will be a way to
'show more' entries (Facebook style)
New macro parameters to be added:
* 'events' (number: 10 by default): - Number of events to show for
each page entry.
-> you are welcome to add naming proposals.
* 'modifications' (boolean: false by default) - Whether to show 'see
modifications' link on 'edited the page' events.
-> other naming proposals: 'diff', 'differences', 'actions'
On Oct 20, 2010, at 4:05 PM, Anca Luca wrote:
Hi devs,
I've been working on
http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XE-721 and it's done on my
local. This is the recent changes macro based on the current implementation (not the
activity stream one), but the idea is that we'll rewrite it to display recent activity
in the future. I will commit it for the moment, in the 2.6 trunk, as is, but I would like
to discuss here the name of the macro and its parameters:
Macro name:
recentchanges, changes, activity, recentactivity
+1 for "activity" to be
in line with the upcoming recent activity feature
planned for 2.6.
No need for "recent", "activity" is enough. It's about the
activity of the wiki.
* rss link should be shown at the bottom of the changes table (boolean): showRss, rss
+1 rss (default true)
* minor changes are shown or not (boolean, default
false): showMinor, minor
+1 minor
* shows "see modifications" link next to
entries (boolean, default true): showDiff, showDifferences, diff, differences
don't like too much diff*
What about "actions"? It's more than just the difference link, there could
other actions, as in the {{spaces/}} macro for example.
* number of
changes to show (number, 0 means "all", defaults to 30): changesNb,
changesCount, number, count, limit
+1 count
* tags of documents to show chages for (comma
separated list): tag, tags
+1 tags
* spaces of documents to show changes for (comma
separated list): space, spaces
+1 spaces
* authors of documents to show changes for (comma
separated list): author, authors
+1 authors
Note that the types cannot be enforced since it's a wiki macro, I put them there just
for orientation.
I'd go for activity rss minor diff count tags spaces authors .
Thanks -Vincent