Hi Zhalin,
On Dec 14, 2009, at 5:21 PM, Zhaolin Feng wrote:
Hi, Vincent:
Please don't be mad at me.
I think it's a cool trick. But I don't think
rendering ascii graph into bitmap will add too much information.
The mail wasn't about Ditaa. It was about introducing a temresource
And ordinary users will still find it hard to use.
How about embedding a AJAX or flash based graphics editor? I know
there are
some good ones, but I don't know whether there are some open source
Here are some live demos:
And the best one:
http://www.gliffy.com/ which requires an account.
Yes Gliffy is great. I'd love to have it. When can you start
implementing the integration? :)
On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 4:11 AM, Vincent Massol
> Hi,
> Part I
> =====
> I've started implementing a Ditaa Macro over the weekend (
> ) but we need an Action to return the Ditaa-generated image file.
> For the chart macro we're using the charting action but I think we
> can
> make this generic and instead introduce a tmp (or temp or tmpresource
> or ...) action instead that would return any resource located in the
> xwiki temporary directory.
> For ex:
> /xwiki/bin/tmp/SomeResource
> would return SomeResource found in
> container.getApplicationContext().getTemporaryDirectory().
> Part II
> =====
> The only thing to be careful about is to not be able to read what's
> for another user and for which you don't have access to see it. For
> example an image generated by the chart macro for a page for which
> the
> user doesn't have view rights. This can be partially solved by
> ensuring that file names include a generated token. However the pb is
> that this token cannot be unique since, for ex, generated image need
> to be shared to anyone having the rights to view a page.
> <brainstomring mode>
> A solution I see would be to include the "rights" to check + the full
> page name in the URL, in addition to the resource. For example:
> /xwiki/bin/tmp/view/wiki:Space.Page/SomeResource
> A more generic solution would be to add a notion of Check Handler,
> i.e. code that would perform the check. For example in the previous
> solution it's not possible to check for 2 permissions, nor any
> complex
> scheme. This would mean something like:
> /xwiki/bin/tmp/<check handler name>/<resource name>?<check params>
> Ex: /xwiki/bin/tmp/simple/SomeResource?
> checkPermission="view"&checkDocument="wiki:Space.Page"
> Implementation: A component with a role hint of "simple" would be
> looked-up and the check logic delegated to it.
> However someone could use a some check for a resource that wasn't
> meant to be used for that resource.
> Thus the check and its params should probably instead be included in
> the resource name with some algorithm instead. Thus the solution
> maybe
> to have a high level API to create a resource name and that API would
> take a Check Handler hint + some arbitrary params and that API would
> generate a resource name with these added. For ex something like::
> "SomeResource-simple-view-wiki:Space.Page" (or any other format).
> Another solution would be to follow a completely different direction
> and for example to introduce a new XDOM representation for a TMP-
> image, i.e. in addition to URLImage and DocumentImage, to add a
> TemporaryImage implementation.
> </brainstomring mode>
> WDYT about these 2 ideas and especially about Part I since I would
> need that sooner rather than later to implement the Ditaa macro, and
> Part II is already a problem today.
> Thanks
> -Vincent