Hi devs,
I’ve recently worked on converting our JUnit4 @Rule rules into JUnit5 equivalent.
There are now equivalent for:
- MockitoComponentManagerRule,
- ComponentManagerRule
- AllLogRule
- MockitoOldcoreRule
http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Community/Testing#HJavaUnitTesting for examples of
how to use them.
Feel free to ask here if you have questions or if you have ideas on how to better
integrate with JUnit5 (I’m sure we’ll need to perform some tuning and there are use cases
that I have forgotten that we’ll need to support).
I’m thus proposing that from now on, we start writing new tests as JUnit5 tests and that
we start converting old JUnit3/4 tests into JUnit5 ones. For example if we need to add a
method to a JUnit4 test, we convert it to JUnit5 and then add the new test method. It’s
pretty simple to do the conversion.