Let's hold on a bit... I jumped the gun a bit on this.
Rick told me he had tried to contact Robin without success but I've
just learnt that this wasn't the case. He only left a comment on the
shoal wiki. No wonder Robin didn't answered... :) I've just sent an
email to Robin asking him for his opinion on the email below.
On Jul 26, 2007, at 9:17 AM, Vincent Massol wrote:
Rick Kenney has fixed the Foxwiki plugin available in our sandbox
(it was initially created by Robin Fernandes - Site is here: http://
Rick has tried to contact Robin without success so far. We need to
find out under what license it is. But assuming the license is
correct and Robin agrees, I'd like us to vote on including it as
part of our releases. This means we are agreeing to maintaining it.
Rick has agreed to maintain it, so if we agree I'll vote to get him
write access to it so that he can be the maintainer for it.
If we agree on this, I propose the following:
1) Rick creates a JIRA issue in the XWiki Platform project for now,
component "Other" and attach his working version to it
2) I create the extension area for foxwiki in our SVN and apply
your patch there. I had already proposed such an area which we also
need for the Eclipse integration.
3) I also create the maven build for it so that it can be built as
part of our CI
4) I create a JIRA project for it and move your issue to it
5) I do a release of it (version 1.0) with maven in our remote
maven repo
6) I create an extension page for it on
xwiki.org (in the Code
Zone, Extension section) and link to the download location on our
remote maven repo
7) I create a blog post on
xwiki.org to announce the new project
and the availability of the 1.0 version
8) From there on, people create JIRA issues for it in its jira
project and Rick acts on them. I can act as the release manager
whenever a new version is ready
Here's my +1 for both including Foxwiki and voting Rick as
committer for *that* project only.