Vincent Massol wrote:
- introduce yourself
I'm Artem Melentyev
from Ural State University, Yekaterinburg(GMT+6),
I was successfully participate in GSoC05(Independent Query API for
XWiki(XWiki QueryPlugin)) and GSoC06(XWikiJcrStore) and very happy for it.
My project in GSoC07 is XWiki Storage Improvements:
* recycle bin mechanism. jira tasks XWIKI-543, XWIKI-850
* version control:
* add support for minor edit and edit comment fields. XWIKI-687
* keep document history in a separate table.
* ability to alter the document history. XWIKI-962
* pseudoversions. XWIKI-500
* support JCR native version control in JcrStore.
* query plugin:
* move query plugin to new JackRabbit 1.3.x engine with child axis
* supporting custom mapping in the query plugin
* support join queries in the query plugin
* revise xwiki security in query plugin (security is working only for
hibernate, and very slow for now)
* update JcrStore to support eXoJCR and JackRabbit 1.3.x, move to
separate maven2 project.
* store attachments in a WebDAV/JCR repository (separate from JCR
* increase the default size of some table fields
* increase the maximum size of some properties
I would be glad for any notes/feedback about this project.
> 1. We need to know what your main email address is
(the one you check
> more often), so that we can reach you faster when needed.
amelentev at gmail dt
- tell us what your plans are, when you'll be able
to start working on
what feature
12.04 - 28.05:
At this period i will be much busy because exams and bachelor work.
But I will try to find some time for xwiki.
Research JRCS, JackRabbit versioning system, new JackRabbit 1.3 query
engine, xwiki/hibernate storage system.
Implement some small xwiki jira tasks.
I think I can write gentoo linux ebuild for xwiki-1.0. XWIKI-467
At first - standalone version, next - deployable to jee server
28.05 - 09.07:
increase the default size of some table fields, increase the maximum
size of some properties
add support for minor edit and edit comment fields
keep document history in a separate table
ability to alter the document history
09.07: mid-term
09.07 - 20.08:
recycle bin mechanism
query plugin related tasks
update JcrStore to support eXoJCR and JackRabbit 1.3.x, move to
separate maven2 project
store attachments in a WebDAV/JCR repository (separate from JCR Store)
support JCR native version control in JcrStore.
20.08 - the end
login: amelentev
I have commit right to xwiki core since GSoC05.
login: amelentev
Artem Melentyev, UralSU