Same here, +0 :)
On Fri, Aug 6, 2010 at 11:46 AM, Thomas Mortagne
<thomas.mortagne(a)> wrote:
This looks very nice. I think I will have to
trust you on the details ;)
Le 2010 8 5 11:28, "Caleb James DeLisle" <calebdelisle(a)> a
écrit :
Hello all,
I you have been watching on irc and in the sandbox commit notifications
you know
Alex and I have been working
hard on developing some high quality
cryptographic services, I think it is
ready to add to the core.
What xwiki-crypto provides:
* PasswordVerificationFunction provides ability to protect ("hash") a
password using functions which require a configurable amount of processor
power and RAM.
This allows a configurable level of difficulty
for password guessing
attacks and configurable memory costs even frustrate hardware
(GPU) based
cracking attempts.
This uses a standards conforming implementation
of what is a truly state
of the art password hashing technology developed by Colin
Percival, deputy
security officer for FreeBSD operating system.
The design paper is here:
This will be able to be used for (Safe
password storage)
* Password based encryption using the function
defined above for
converting the password to the encryption key. The default
algorithm is CAST-5 which has been used by PGP encryption system.
* RSA-2048 key generation and text signature.
Option #1: Generate key in user's browser (Supports Firefox and Opera,
possible to add IE support.) and be able to use the crypto.signText function
in javascript allowing for signature which are unforgable even by the
administrator (or hacker) of the server.
Option #2: Generate key on the server and store
password encrypted (see
above) allowing for "pretty good" level of
signature non-reputability.
What this will look like to a script:
## Password Encryption
#set($ciphertext = $services.crypto.passwd.encryptText("this is a secret",
"hopefully a strong password"))
## Password Decryption
#set($plaintext = $services.crypto.passwd.decryptText($ciphertext,
a strong password"))
## Protecting a password (so can be validated but
the original can't be
derived from the protected password and it's hard to
do password guessing
#set($safePassword =
## Validating a password against the "safe
you win!
## Generating a key in the user's browser (this won't likely be used
## $spkac is a public key given by the browser
when the user clicks on the
create certificate button, this is compatible with
## 365 is the number of days the certificate
should be valid for.
## this returns 2 certificate, one is the user's and the other is a self
signed authority which trusts it.
#set($certAndAuthority =
## Generating a key (x509 certificate + private
key) on the server side
(this won't likely be used often)
## this returns an XWikiX509KeyPair
#set($privateKeyAndCert = $services.crypto.x509.newCertAndPrivateKey(365,
"password for protecting private key")
## Serializing a keyPair to a base64 string (this
does not conform to any
standard because no decent standard was available)
#set($keyPairAsString =
## Deserializing the keypair back from the string
#set($privateKeyAndCert =
## Signing text with a
## This outputs a base64 String representing the signature.
#set($signature = $services.crypto.x509.signText("this is the text I want
sign", $privateKeyAndCert, "password for protecting private key")
## Verifying text (this verifies text signed with
either the above
signText function or with the mozilla/opera javascript
## this outputs an XWikiX509Certificate object
which can then be compared
to known trusted certificates.
#set($signingCertificate =
$services.crypto.x509.verifyText("this is the
text I want to sign",
## Serializing a certificate as a String in
conforming PEM format
(readable by OpenSSL)
#set($pemString =
## Deserializing a certificate from PEM format
#set($signingCertificate = $services.crypto.x509.certFromPEM($pemString)
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