xwicaforrica(a)gmail.com wrote:
I followed the instructions in
http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Community/BuildingInEclipse: I
checked out the source from the trunks-devs, ran mvn eclipse:eclipse
and created a new eclipse workspace, which I included in a new
variable M2_REPO. Finally I created a java project and did an import
from the folder with all the code (xwiki-platform-tools,
xwiki-platform-core, xwiki-platform-web, xwiki-platform-plugins and
the others). The result was 22070 errors and 390 warnings in the
'Problems' tab!
In eclipse, the M2_REPO variable should point to your .m2/repository/
folder. Make sure it does, then run 'mvn compile' or something to that
effect. I hope that might help you?