On 08/11/2011 11:03 AM, 许凌志(Jamesxu) wrote:
On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 1:03 AM, Sergiu
Dumitriu<sergiu(a)xwiki.com> wrote:
Looks like you have quotes inside quotes, which
is syntactically
incorrect. You can either use double quotes for the outside:
"where doc.space='Main' order by doc.date desc"
or double the single quotes inside:
'where doc.space=''Main'' order by doc.date desc'
I have tried both, but all failed, the error infomation is bellow:
Failed to execute the [velocity]
macroorg.xwiki.rendering.macro.MacroExecutionException: Failed to evaluate
Velocity Macro for content [#set($media = "$!request.media")
#set($nb = "$!request.nb")
#if($nb != '')
#set($nb = $util.parseInt($nb) + 1)
#set($nb = 5)
#if ($media == 'json')
#set($discard = $response.setContentType("application/json"))
#set ($recentlyModifiedPage = $xwiki.searchDocuments('where where
doc.space=''Main'' order by doc.date desc order by doc.date desc',
$nb, 0))
^ You have twice "order by doc.date desc" in the query.
#set($size = $recentlyModifiedPage.size())
#foreach ($docname in $recentlyModifiedPage)
#if ($xwiki.hasAccessLevel('view', $xcontext.getUser(), $docname))
#set ($rdoc = $xwiki.getDocument($docname))
#set($name = $rdoc.getName())
#set($fullname = "$rdoc.getWiki():$rdoc.getSpace().$rdoc.getName()")
#if($velocityCount< $size)
Sergiu Dumitriu