On 11/13/2009 12:52 PM, MOUZELER Cyril wrote:
Hi all,
I have installed xwiki enterprise manager on Windows in a Jetty
Container based on Oracle. It works fine.
But i 've got a problem to reach it in my web browser.
My Windows server has an IP for example and a name :
xwiki-corner.domain.com for example.
In my browser, I am not able to access to
but works very well.
I 've checked nslookup, ping ... this is not the problem: it seems to be
a redirect issue...
So could you help me ?
Enterpise Manager means virtual wikis. There are two ways to make
virtual wikis work: different URLs on the same domain, or different
domains. By default it works with different domains. This means that the
first part of the domain name is the wiki identifier, so XWiki searches
for a wiki named "xwiki-corner", which does not exist.
If you want to keep a domain-based farm, you must first configure your
wiki using the IP: add as an alias for the main wiki the domain name
you're trying to use. After that, it should work fine.
If you want to switch to a path-based farm, edit xwiki.cfg and enable
Sergiu Dumitriu