Hi Andre/everyone,
On 9 May 2014 at 07:35:54, Andreea Popescu
(andreea.popescu@xwiki.com(mailto:andreea.popescu@xwiki.com)) wrote:
Hello all,
I’m writing this e-mail because I want to propose supporting Internet
Explorer 10 and Internet Explorer 11 on 6.x cycle.
First of all, it’s known that Internet Explorer 8 and Internet Explorer 9
are still widely used by users, but many of them are currently choosing to
update to IE10 and IE11. According to
netmarketshare.com (Browsers ->
Desktop Share by Version) from a total of 100%, IE10 is used by 6.85% users
and IE11 by 16.61% users. It’s true that IE10 is not as popular as the
older versions (IE8 - 20.85% and IE9 - 8.89%), but its usage percentage is
still significant.
Second of all, both versions (IE10 and IE11) have some problems rendering
our content sometimes, and you will see that below:
IE10 known problems (unfixed) reported on JIRA:
1. XWIKI-10269: Table edit: pressing enter inserts new line in a
different table cell
2. XWIKI-10299: The last annotation for a word isn’t displayed on IE10
3. XWIKI-10300: If a text has multiple annotations after removing one of
them the text looks like isn’t annotated on IE10
4. XWIKI-10192: The "Username" and "Password" input fields don't
the same size
IE11 known problems (unfixed) reported on JIRA:
1. XWIKI-9933: When you press "Alt+C" in IE11 (cancel edition) in edit
wiki mode, the wiki session is canceled, but it also appears the "View
favourites, feeds and history" option
2. XWIKI-9787: Jump to a page using CTRL+G doesn’t work
3. XWIKI-10192: The "Username" and "Password" input fields don't
the same size
Last but not least, since December - January I’ve been testing IE10 and
IE11 (smoke tests or full tests) and their biggest problems were with
WYSIWYG (you can see that on: XWIKI-9698, XWIKI-10282 and XWIKI-10283).
So, what do you think?
I agree that we need to officially support IE10/11. We’ve been waiting too long for that
Actually we started doing this for XWiki 5.4.x and we fixed all issues we knew at that
time for IE10/11.
However we’ve had some regression in XWiki 6.0-SNAPSHOT because we upgraded the GWT
version we were using and that caused issues. I’ve seen that Marius has fixed some issue
already for the WYSIWYG: XWIKI-9698, XWIKI-10282 and XWIKI-10283.
So I’m +1 to start officially supporting IE10/11 and add them
http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Community/BrowserSupportStrategy (which I’ve
updated with a netmarketshare report).
@Marius: you’re probably the one who’s done most of the browser support so far. Is it
going to be a problem to support IE8, 9, 10, 11 at once (in term of workload)?