Tag clouds (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tag_cloud) seem so in these
days, so I made a simple implementation using the Main.Tags in xwiki.
The styling isn't too sexy, but that should be easy to configure.
Here is the code for use in a panel or similar place:
#panelheader('Tag cloud')
#set($query = "select elements(prop.list) from BaseObject as obj,
DBStringListProperty as prop where obj.className='XWiki.TagClass' and
obj.id=prop.id.id and prop.id.name='tags'")
#set( $allTags = $xwiki.sort($xwiki.search($query)))
#set( $tagsWithCount = $xwiki.metawiki.getTagsWithCount($allTags))
#set($query = "select distinct elements(prop.list) from BaseObject as
obj, DBStringListProperty as prop where obj.className='XWiki.TagClass'
and obj.id=prop.id.id and prop.id.name='tags'")
#set( $tagsDistinct = $xwiki.sort($xwiki.search($query)))
#foreach($tag in $tagsDistinct)
<span style="#getStyle($tagsWithCount.get($tag))"><a
href="$xwiki.getURL("Main.Tags", "view",
#macro( getStyle $count )
#if ($count < 2) "font-size: 0.80em;"
#elseif ($count < 3) font-size: 1.00em; }
#elseif ($count < 4) font-size: 1.20em; }
#elseif ($count < 5) font-size: 1.40em; }
#elseif ($count < 6) font-size: 1.60em; }
#elseif ($count < 7) font-size: 1.80em; }
#elseif ($count < 8) font-size: 2.00em; }
#else font-size: 2.50em; }
And here's the java code invoked:
public static HashMap<String, Integer>
getTagsWithCount(ArrayList<String> allTags) {
String tag = null;
String previousTag = null;
HashMap<String, Integer> tagsWithCount = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
int count = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < allTags.size(); i++) {
previousTag = tag;
tag = allTags.get(i);
if (tag.equals(previousTag)) {
} else {
count = 1;
previousTag = null;
tagsWithCount.put(tag, new Integer(count));
return tagsWithCount;
Is this anything you would want to include in xwiki, or is it too
trivial to bother with? See the attached file for a sample screenshot.
best regards :-)
Thomas Drevon