Hi devs,
We've moved more and more toward an UTF-8-only application, and XWiki
has only been tested with this configuration for several years.
I propose that we require UTF-8 for a valid, supported installation.
This means:
- JVM encoding (-Dfile.encoding=UTF8)
- Container default URL encoding (Tomcat has ISO-8859-1 by default)
- Database encoding (MySql is still configured with latin1 on some distros)
There's one big site to update on our side:
Here's my +1. This is a move toward a future web, since more and more
standards require (or at least assume as a default) UTF-8.
After thinking a bit more, it would make sense to require a valid
Unicode encoding, including UTF-16, which is preferable in countries
that don't use a latin alphabet. However, XWiki doesn't currently work
under 16-bit encodings at all.
Sergiu Dumitriu