I was thinking of other DBS but I don't know yet the best solution.
Let's explain the problem I see.
When installing XWiki on a server database, the user may have changed
default root password, he may also have installed other databases for other
1. How to create XWiki database without knowing the username and password ?
2. In the case of XWiki-manager, if we give xwiki db user rights to
create/drop databases, XWiki administrator may create tables in an db which
host an other application, and by the way delete it. If xwiki db user only
have default privileges, XWiki administrator will have to ask for a new db
for each wiki he wants to create. How to decide which case to choose ?
Here are the possible solutions I see :
Try with default values and prompt an error if it did not work
+ small, simple
- won't work for many cases
Prompt at install time for decisions.
+ It solves all issues
- Business rules are quiet complex
- May be hard to maintain
- Not sure it's a goor practice
Document how to change and use an other DB
+ Easy to maintain
+ Do it yourself which is, I think the philosophy of Archlinux
+ Easy to automate using configuration manager systems (puppet/chief)
- not fully automated
By the way, it may be possible to provide some other packages on top of
those which will install jdbc drivers, update config files and explain what
modification to do according to the db
I would prefer third solution. WDYT ?
2013/5/16 Jerome Velociter <jerome(a)velociter.fr>
That's great!
I see it's Tomcat + HSQLDB. Wouldn't it be better to have Tomcat + MySQL ?
Le 16/05/13 01:28, Frédéric Bouquet a écrit :
I've just built two packages for archlinux, one concerning
xwiki-enterprise, the other xwiki-manager.
To install xwiki :
yaourt -S xwiki-enterprise
yaourt -S xwiki-manager
Packages are here :
and here :
What about creating a repository for them on xwiki-contrib, for example :
archlinux-packages ?
If someone create the repo, I'll upload files tomorrow.
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Frédéric Bouquet
Twitter/Github : bouquetf