hello developers,
I've been somewhat (but only somewhat) successfully building Curriki
with mvn which, indeed, used the DB connection where I would install it.
I would like to understand a bit more of the architecture... should I
rather discuss it per email or open a wiki page that tries to sketch
it ?
Here's what I could see:
- curriki is made of many modules, some of which are xwiki modules,
some are own
- some of the own resources are XWiki documents
- the whole packaging ends up by building a web-archive and an xwiki-
(the xwiki archive seems to contain a lot of the xwiki documents)
- the build process seems to upload this web-archive to the DB
(connected to a temporary curriki)
it's easy then to deploy the web-archive and use.
However the web-archive seems incomplete on the played.
A simple one to check is Main/Board.
I tried (re-)importing it but it complains that UselessPanel is not
Three questions:
- is all the above correct ?
- is there another way to upload single xwiki documents ?
- how are XWiki documents in source code edited ? (that's velocity in
xml as far as I can see).
thanks in advance
- smime.p7s
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