VincentMassol | 2009/05/05 20:03
Niels, no there's no plan but we can now
support any language using macros
so feel free to provide a clojure macro if
you're interested. Shouldn't be
too hard to do, especially if there's a JSR-223 implementation (in which
case simply dropping the jar in WEB-INF/lib should be enough - you'd then
use it using the script macro).
Clojure <> has aJSR-223 implementation
according to:…
Are there any examples, documentation, or suggestions of writing a "script
macro" to call a new jar in WEB-INF/lib ?
Any other special magic I should know? Does anything from the above suggest
that Clojure couldn't be used as an Xwiki scripting language, replacing
cases where Groovy scripting might normally be employed?
PS: Here's examples of easy "scripted java" programming you can do in
Clojure (note the helpful parallelism constructs):……
It could be very useful to employ massive parallelism via such Clojure
scripts, which could achieve a xwiki-based web portal performance akin to
Yahoo's, Google's, etc. For example, the following describes how Yahoo works
-- and would be quite easy to implement this kind of processing "for free"
in Clojure with very little code:
The component responsible for multi-record requests is called the
scatter-gather engine, and is a component of the
The scatter-gather engine receives a multi-record request,
splits it into multiple individual requests for single records
or single tablet scans, and initiates those requests in parallel.
As the requests return success or failure, the scatter-gather
engine assembles the results and then passes them to the
client. In our implementation, the engine can begin streaming
some results back to the client as soon as they appear.
We chose a server-side approach instead of having the client
initiate multiple parallel requests for several reasons. First,
at the TCP/IP layer, it is preferable to have one connection
per client to the PNUTS service; since there are many clients
(and many concurrent processes per client machine) opening
one connection to PNUTS for each record being requested
in parallel overloads the network stack. Second, placing this
functionality on the server side allows us to optimize, for
example by grouping multiple requests to the same storage
server in the same web service call.
Range queries and table scans are also handled by the
scatter gather engine. Typically there is only a single client
process retrieving the results for a query. The scatter gather
engine will scan only one tablet at a time and return results
to the client; this is about as fast as a typical client can
process results. In the case of a range scan, this mecha-
nism simplifies the process of returning the top-K results
(a frequently requested feature), since we only need to scan
enough tablets to provide K results. After returning the
first set of results, the scatter-gather engine constructs and
returns a continuation object, which allows the client to re-
trieve the next set of results. The continuation object con-
tains a modified range query, which, when executed, restarts
the range scan at the point the previous results left off. Con-
tinuation objects allow us to have cursor state on the client
side rather than the server. In a shared service such as
PNUTS, it is essential to minimize the amount of server-
side state we have to manage on behalf of clients.