Hi devs,
I wanted to create a component to define the interface for the skin
extension mechanism:
public interface SkinExtension {
public void use(String resource);
public void use(String resource, Map<String, Object> parameters);
in a module in platform/core called xwiki-skinx-api or
and then implement it with ssx, jsx, ssfx, jsfx, ssrx, jsrx hints in the
skinx plugin. Basically the implementation will do nothing else but grab
the XWikiContext from the Execution, grab XWiki from there, get the
plugin api and call the use function on it.
This will be useful to write code that needs the skin extensions but
doesn't want to depend on the core (macros, for example) and it will
serve as a bridge towards the future implementation of the skinx plugin
as a component.
My +1 for the proposed interface in xwiki-skinx-api and the
implementation in the plugin.