There are currently many places (both in platform and in extensions)
where we use color theme properties such as
$theme.pageContentBackgroundColor . Does FlamingoThemeCode.ThemeClass
have completely different properties? I hope not. I'm looking at the
ColorThemeClass and most of its properties seem pretty generic, i.e.
skin independent. Which ones are skin dependent?
shows that FlamingoThemeCode.ThemeClass has only two properties?
body-bg and text-color, both present with a different name in
On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 6:43 PM, Guillaume "Louis-Marie" Delhumeau
<gdelhumeau(a)> wrote:
Hi devs.
I am implementing the Color Theme Editor for Flamingo! And this is a
Since the current color theme application is strongly linked to Colibri,
and the new application will be strongly linked to Flamingo, I propose the
1/ move xwiki-platform-colorthemes in xwiki-platform-colibri and state that
this application is only compatible with colibri-based skin.
2/ create the new application in xwiki-platform-flamingo
3/ the new color theme application will actually propose more than colors
(fonts, less code, etc...), so I propose to call it
4/ in the administration, we have a page that propose which color theme we
want to use. Since the new application will not be compatible with the old
one, I propose to add an extension point (such as what we have to configure
search suggest sources) in order to propose the themes corresponding to the
selected skin (ie: xobjects of ColorThemes.ColorThemeClass for colibri and
skins based on colibri, and xobjects of FlamingoThemeCode.ThemeClass for
5/ modify SkinAction that currenlty executes velocity code on a skin file
if the mime type is CSS or JS, to also execute velocity on files suffixed
by .less.vm, because I need it for my application. To see what it looks
like, please look at…
. The alternative is to create a new action which is too much IMO.
6/ when colibri will be deprecated on removed from XE, we will do the same
for the old color theme application.
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