Vincent Massol wrote:
The XWiki development team is pleased to announce the
final release of
XWiki Enterprise 1.2.
Go grab it at
This is the final 1.2 release, which brings a lot of improvements and
new features. The main improvements over version 1.1 are:
* Improved performances
* Better Interoperability with Confluence
* Clean and improvements to the XMLRPC interface
* Recycle bin feature for deleted documents
* Minor edits
* News rights management UI
* Mail sender plugin to send emails from Velocity
* Watchlist feature to be notified of pages in documents or spaces
* Scheduler plugin and application to schedule Groovy scripts to be
executed at given times
* New macro to display panels inside pages
* JODA Time plugin to perform dates computations in Velocity scripts
* Lucene search stabilized and now works in multiwiki setups
* New statistics API and UI
* Add automatic database migrations for easier XWiki installs
For more information see the Release notes at:
-The XWiki dev team
Some more thanks should go to Catalin Hritcu, as he donated some of his
time, CPU cycles and bandwidth helping me with the RC releases while I
was connected using an expensive and veeeeery slow dial-up connection.
Also, big thanks goes to Google and their Summer of Code program, which
sponsored several of these features, like the XmlRpc improvements and
Confluence integration (Catalin), the Recycle bin feature, minor edits
and edit comments, automatic database migrations (Artem), various UI
improvements (Evelina), and others.
And thanks to all the community, which tested XWiki and reported bugs,
and sometimes provided patches, too, and bugged us with lots of
questions. Even if we don't like answering questions all day long, it
shows us that there are real users trying XWiki, and it motivates us to
continue working.