I thought of removing every MouseEnter or MouseHover event by removing
listeners attached to those events for the browser object but I have
stumbled upon a very weird thing in SWT: There is no getListeners
method for a Control/Widget.
I googled it and found out that only from 3.4M Eclipse thought of
adding this method.
The only mechanism orientated in this direction I found is the
ListenerList class which is for handling listeners but that implies
that you subclass every control you need to have the getListeners
method which is very lame.
I can not imagine how SWT lived so far without such a basic
functionality. I know it is not very commonly required to remove a
listener, but I for one used it a couple of times.
Anyway, does anyone have a solution for this or is it just the wrong approach?
P.S.: Keep in mind that I am experiencing this anomaly only in Fedora
9, from what I see.