On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 20:03, Vincent Massol <vincent(a)massol.net> wrote:
On Mar 28, 2012, at 7:10 PM, Denis Gervalle wrote:
On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 12:27, Vincent Massol
> Hi devs,
> I'd like to change our deprecation strategy. Here's what we are
> supposed to use (we voted it a long time
> "
> In addition our rule is to keep @deprecated methods/classes for 2 final
> releases after the version where they were first added has been
released as
> final.
> For example if a method is deprecated in, say XE 1.3M2 then the method
> will be removed in 1.6M1 or after. Of course any major new release can
> deprecate anything. For example a XWiki 2.0 release is allowed to break
> backward compatibility (obviously we need to be careful to offer a
> migration path for users of previous major versions).
> "
> Issues:
> * This seems a bit harsh to me for some of our users/devs in the
> * We're not following which proves to me
it's not a good rule
> * It doesn't say anything about Scripting APIs which require a greater
> stability in order not to break all wiki pages
> Definition of a Scripting API:
> * a Script Service (that's the new way of providing script apis)
> * a class in the "api" package in xwiki-platform-oldcore (this is the
> way of providing script apis)
> Thus I'd like to propose this new rule:
> * Deprecated methods can only be removed in the next Release Cycle. For
> example something deprecated in version N.x can be removed in version
> where x and y can be anything. This is
logical since N+1 means a new
> release and it's common to understand
that major releases have no
> of API compatibility (See
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_versioningfor example).
* For
scripting APIs we can remove deprecated API only after 4 Release
Cycles. For example since we're in 4.x this means we
Why four ? isn't it too much ?
The reason I proposed 4 is because nowadays there still are quite a few
XWiki 1.x instances in the wild so if people have coded apps on 1.x and
then upgrade to 4.0 (for ex) it would be nice if their app still works.
However I think it's ok to not support apis done in 0.9. And next year it
would be ok to drop 1.x api support, etc.
It's long but then we can see in the wild that it's important we provide
stable scripting apis for users since they're used a lot while java apis
are used by more savvy user (developers) and thus having a shorter removing
cycle for them (1 year) should be ok.
What would you like to propose instead?
At the same time, many feature as probably evolved since 1.x and may still
render your application not workable AS IS in 4.x. Think about the skin,
even if theorically albatross should still work, I am sure there is many
unexpected issue with it, and using it in 4.x would probably not give you
much advantage over your 1.x setup... My last experience between 3.1 and
3.4 has already issues. I would understand keeping compatibility so long if
you do not introduce alternative, but in most case we do. I do not imagine
a user of 1.x that really expect moving to 4.x without some effort, and
without expecting some improvement other than a better core system. So, are
we really targeting real use case ?
Keeping compatibility is a huge effort in maintenance and may also slow
down evolution, and I just found having a so long compatibility field, to
be too much compare to our team. Also, having different policies for java
and scripting is also a complexity, both in term of development and
understanding. So I would be in favor to have a single policy for all.
What Thomas propose seems really reasonable IMO, deprecating preferably in
N+2.0. This is not a obligation anyway, and on a case by case basis we may
still derogate to the rules, if a specific feature seems important to keep.
There is no obligation for user to migrate, and with a clear deprecation
documentation in the release notes, it should be quite easy to maintain old
> can remove deprecated APIs from 0.x releases.
And when we start 5.x we
> will be able to remove deprecated scripting apis deprecated in 1.x.
> Here's my +1
> Thanks
> -Vincent
devs mailing list
Denis Gervalle
eGuilde sarl - CTO