Hi Thomas,
On 7 Feb 2014 at 13:31:07, Thomas Mortagne
(thomas.mortagne@xwiki.com(mailto:thomas.mortagne@xwiki.com)) wrote:
== Async events
I don't think there is much related issues in view but we are doing
way too much blocking stuff when modifying a document so I plan to
allow a listener to declare that it's ok for it to receive
asynchronous events (events sent in a different thread than the one
who actually saved the document) and review the listeners that could
use that (the first one I have in mind is user cleaner but I'm also
thinking about wiki extension module which execute several requests at
each save for example and all the code responsible for parsing and
storing backlinks in modified documents).
One thing we need to consider and decide if we want to go that route or not is the usage
of the JaveEE platform and especially Message-Driven Beans (MDBs). They are meant exactly
for this use case.
And the JavaEE platform offers a lot of technical services we could use. I’m thinking for
example about CDI, but also a Timer Service, WebSocket support, JPA for storage, Batch
services, JavaMail, JAXRS, and more.
In the long past JavaEE was viewed as something big, heavy and monolithic but it has
evolved nicely along those years and is now something much more lightweight,
unit-testable, annotation-based, etc.
I think we should list the pros/cons of using it. There are plenty of full JavaEE
containers out there including TomEE which is using Tomcat for the Servlet container
http://openejb.apache.org/apache-tomee.html), Glassfish, JBoss, Geronimo, Jonas, etc.