Hello XWikiers,
I am bit in doubt with building XWiki and particularly Curriki which
is my goal.
On the one hand there seems to be DB-oriented sub-folders for which
mvn install seems to only install... a pom in the repo!
On the other hand, the default build seems to build only for a
special DB, hypersonic... This indeed what I got doing the following
a few days ago:
- svn co of trunks
- cd-ed to xwiki-product-curriki
- mvn install, failed
- cd-ed to xwiki-platform-web, mvn install success
- cd-ed to xwiki-platform-pom, mvn install success
- cd-ed to xwiki-product-curriki, mvn install success
What is the normal way to get the "normal build" (mvn install in
xwiki-product-curriki) to build for a specific DB?
Thus far I am still hoping to build curriki for Postgres if possible.
In any case it should work for MySQL since that's where
thanks in advance