+1 for me especially for xwiki workspaces that is becoming a core XWiki project
2008/1/30, Vincent Massol <vincent(a)massol.net>et>:
We need to decide if we want to have a single SVN repository or
several. Right now we have 4:
- main xwiki: XE, XEM, Watch, Curriki
- chronopolys
- xwiki workspaces
- sandbox
I prefer to have a single one for the following reasons:
1) Simpler Admin
2) Consolidate history
3) Ability to move sources from one project to another. For example
the fact the sandbox is in a separate repo is a real pain since it's
not possible to perform a svn move so we loose the history when we
move things around
4) Complex to configure. You have to configure all your tools to point
to several repos (IDE, etc)
5) Hard to configure external tools and no consolidated search,
stats,etc. For example: ohloh, sourcekibitzer
Note that Apache has a single repo for all its projects so it's not
like this is something that is weird and that hasn't been done before.
To be honest I don't see a single advantage to have several repos.
However we would need to configure the SVN hooks to send svn commit
emails to different mailing lists and do the user authentication based
on *.xwiki.org mapped to directories in SVN, but that's not a problem.
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