Since we've slipped a lot for the 1.2M2 release we need a new roadmap
Right now the only thing holding up the 1.2M2 release is to commit the
new UI for rights mgmt on trunk (Thomas/Evelina should hopefully
finish this today and then I'll start the release).
So the plan is:
1.2M2: 12 Nov
1.2RC1: 26 Nov
1.2RC2: 3 Dec
1.2Final: promotion of 1.2RC2 as final on 8 Dec
Note 1: The goal is still to have a stable 1.2 by Javapolis 2007.
Note 2: This means that from now on, only bug fixes should be done for
the 1.2 release. If you need to commit stuff for 1.3 then let me know
and I'll branch 1.2.