I have a few questions about how to contribute to the dutch
application_resource file.
Yesterday I have added some translations to the dutch translation of the
XE resources at the
I10n.wiki.org site. Is there any documentation about
this site? I am unsure about what some functions do and the effects they
may have on others. For instance the link 'Import/reimport default
language file', Admin actions like 'Import' and 'Prepare'. Also I
noticed that when I get the dutch translation as a application resource
file, it only has the resources filled in if a dutch translation exists.
This seems logical, but as long as not all strings have a dutch
translation, my xwiki contains lots of empty strings. Is there a way to
build a resource file with dutch translations where available, and the
default english strings when not? Another thing that is not clear to me
is the functionality around reviewing and validation. If I find a
translation that is incorrect of I thing there is a better one, can I
just change it, or should I somehow make a review request to somebody
authorized to accept or reject the change? Is there any way to know who
is contributing to the same translation in order to achieve some common
ideas about how to translate xwiki terms?
Henk F. Schouten, ICT-architect, Dienst ICT
room: SL 2.32, phone (31) 70 4457611, email: H.F.Schouten(a)hhs.nl
De Haagse Hogeschool, Johanna Westerdijkplein 75, 2521 EN the Hague (NL)