On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 7:06 PM, Kamna Jain <kammy.scorpi(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Hello Devs,
Sachin, thnaks for your response to that mail. I will try that idea.
I have questions regarding a few miscellaneous topics:
1) Watch List - Is there anything we need to add/modify in order for the
Watch list notifications to work?
-> I have the email ids in the user profile
-> have 2 pages being watched
-> the xwiki.cfg has the watchlistplugin and the mailsender plugin included
-> I came across a watch.vm and watchlistrss.vm in the templates folder..but
nothing for mail..
You need to set the admin email and a valid smtp server in
Administration > Preferences > Registration
-> also, in the menuview.vm, just where the Watch
menu begins, there is a
We're disabling the Watchlist menu for now since the Watchlist doesn't work
yet in multiwiki
## mode. Remove when
http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XPWATCHLIST-4 is
The watchlist feature is not fully working with a multiwiki
installation (virtual wikis, XEM, whatever you call it) for the
moment. That's why it is disable in this case (which is not you case
since you've been able to mark 2 pages as watched).
Jean-Vincent Drean