On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 3:44 PM, Vincent Massol <vincent(a)massol.net> wrote:
Hi devs,
I've started investigating this. The documentation for Provider can be found here:
Here's we would define a provider:
public class MyProvider implements Provider<RoleToProvide>
@Inject <-- just to show that a provider is a component and be injected other
private SomeRole role;
public RoleToProvide get()
… logic here to return a RoleToProvide instance…
And here's how you'd use it:
public class MyComponent implements MyRole
private Provider<RoleToProvide> provider;
public void someMethod()
RoleToProvide instance = this.provider.get();
* UC1: Useful to break cyclic dependencies in a cleaner way than having the
ComponentManager injected, especially since the Provider can be reused since it's
* UC2: Useful to clean up code so that the logic to decide which implementation to return
can be externalized in a Provider implementation. For example imagine you have a config
property in xwiki.properties and based on it you wish to return a component with one hint
or another. You could use a Provider for this.
* Allows us to be JSR330 compliant (not a very strong point but still an argument ;))
Default Provider
When you ask to get injected a Provider if no Provider is defined for the Role you wish,
you'll get injected a generic provider which simply does a lookup using the Component
Manager. This allows to simply implement UC1.
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Thomas Mortagne