On 9 May 2018, at 16:16, Stéphane Laurière
<stephane.lauriere(a)xwiki.com> wrote:
Hi all,
I'd like to propose a new UI extension point: content header (or before content). My
current motivation for it relates to the page-relations application that will display the
pages related to the current one: it can be handy to have the relations displayed in the
content header for navigation purpose (even though other areas in the UI would make sense,
such as a dedicated navigation panel). Other usages I have in mind: display content
licensing information, content warning, display that the page is currently not editable as
the wiki is read only, let the user choose between displaying tags before or after
content... Note that Caty already proposed an extension point for the customizing the
content footer:
I created the following issue:
What do you think?
So a UIXP between the page title/menu and the page content.
It would also be useful if we wanted to contribute an extension that would automatically
add a TOC to pages with headings for example.
So +1 from me.
Stéphane Laurière